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Integrated approach to radiologic diagnostics of the Alzheimer's disease used in 87 patients, 42 of which were at risk or at different stages of the disease, and 45 patients had various cerebral pathology not connected to the Alzheimer's disease. Computed tomography (CT) with temporal lobe volume calculation followed by scintigraphy, rheoencephalography and digital subtractional angiography (DSA) were done in all the patients.

Temporal and hippocampal atrophy (1), fronto-parietal and temporal capillary vascular bed reduction (2) with multiple arteriovenous shunts (3), as well as venous congestion with anomalous fronto-parietal veins formation (4) were the characteristic radiological features of the Alzheimer's disease. It is important that the above were seen not only in patients with late, but also in early and preclinical stages. These phenomena were also shown to be specific for the Alzheimer disease.



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The author presents the endovascular technique for treatment of the Alzheimer disease. 40 patients aged 34–78 years were included into the study 4 of them were at risk, 13 had early and moderate stage, 16 – full-scaled stage, and 7 had preterminal stage of the disease.

The survey design included computed tomography with temporal lobes volume calculation, brain scintigraphy, rheoencephalography, and digital cerebral angiography.

Temporal lobes atrophy and capillary flow reduction in fronto-parietal and temporal regions are shown to be the characteristic radiomorphological features of the Alzheimer disease. Indications and contrindications for the treatment are presented.

Interventions were pefformed in terms of 1 to 12 years after the disease manifestation. The aim of treatment was percutaneous revascularization and capillary bed restoration by means of transluminal low-energy laser.

Clinical improvement was seen in all the cases; however, it differed in each group of patients. Thus, it is possible not only suspend the advancement of the Alzheimer disease, but to achieve its regression, with regeneration of the brain tissues and to return the people into the active life.  



1.        Винблад Б. Болезнь Альцгеймера: эпидемиология, экономические затраты и терапевтические стратегии. Материалы 2-й российской конференции «Болезнь Альцгеймера и старение: от нейробиологии к терапии» 18–20 октября 1999 г. М.: Пульс. 1999; 24.  

2.        Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures 2007. A Statistical Abstract of US Data on Alzheimer’s Disease published by the Alzheimer’s Association. Washington. 2008; 1–30.

3.        Гаврилова С.И., Калын Я.Б., Брацун А.Л. Эпидемиологические аспекты болезни Альцгеймера и других деменций позднего возраста. XII съезд психиатров России. М. 1995; 424–425.

4.        Гаврилова С.И. Практическое руководство по диагностике и лечению болезни Альцгеймера. М.: Медицина. 2002; 43.  

5.        Galasko D. New approaches to diagnose and treat Alzheimer’s disease: a glimpse of the future. Clin. Geriatr. Med. 2001; 17 (2): 393–410.  

6.        Tsuchiya K., Makita K., Furui S., Nitta K. MRI appearances of calcified lesions within intracranial tumors. Neuroradiology. 1993; 35: 341–344.  

7.        Tzika A.A., Robertson R.L., Barnes P.D. et al. Childhood moyamoya disease: hemodynamic MRI. Pediatr. Radiology. 1997; 27: 727–735.  

8.        Rusinek H., de Leon M.J., George A.E. et al. Alzheimer disease: measuring loss of cerebral gray matter with MR imaging. Radiology. 1991; 178: 109–114.  

9.        Kesslak J.P., Nalcioglu O., Cotman C.W. Quantification of magnetic resonance scans for hippocampal and parahippocampal atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurology. 1991; 41: 51–54.  

10.      Жариков Г.А., Рощина И.Ф. Диагностика деменции альцгеймеровского типа на ранних этапах ее развития. Психиатрия и психофармакотерапия. 2001; 2 (2): 3–27.

11.      Гаврилова С.И. Фармакотерапия болезни Альцгеймера. М.: Пульс. 2003; 337.  

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15.      Masse I., Bordet R., Deplanque D. et al. Lipid lowering agents are associated with a slower cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease. J. of Neurol., Neurosurg. and Psych. 2005; 76: 1624–1629. (АНГИОЛОГИЯ.ру) - портал о диагностике и лечении заболеваний сосудистой системы